Wednesday 16 October 2013

JBL Paper Ad Contest

Yes..We Are Back With JBL Contests.
We are in newspapers across nation. Spotting our ad in the newspaper this time can win you some cool JBL merchandise.

This Is What You Need To Do:
  1. Spot our advertisement in your local newspaper
  2. Click a pic of the full page with ad
  3. Upload it on Instagram and tag #harmanindia
  4. Share the following information in the comment section below:
    1. Link of your Instagram pic
    2. Newspaper name where you saw the ad 
    3. Page number where you saw the ad
    4. Date of the ad
    5. Why you like JBL - 1 sentence
    6. Your Facebook link so that we can contact you back
Terms & Conditions :
  • Each person can submit only 1 entry per date/newspaper. If you see multiple ads in multiple papers then for each spotting one entry can be submitted
  • Last date to submit entries is 2nd Nov, 2013
  • Entries without Instagram tagging and with any missing information asked in point number 4 will not be considered
  • No HARMAN employees can take part in this contest
  • Winners would be selected based on their submissions  and would be announced on the 2nd week of Nov.
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